🗳️ You are not competent to vote
Nor am I, nor is anyone else. That's a problem for electoral democracy.

Adam flatters his readership by lashing out at candidates. He describes political candidacy as incentivising those who exhibit the
dark triad of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy.
I go one step further and say that YOU dear reader, are thoroughly incompetent to vote.
The issues are too complex. You don’t have enough time. Daniel Khaneman’s book Thinking Fast and Slow demonstrates that we’re wired to go with our gut on these decisions, then reverse engineer the logic.
I just don’t like the look of her.
quickly becomes
Her policy position on housing stems not from principle but from a calculated and sycophantic appeal homeowners/renters.
But what’s the alternative? No one likes ‘rule by the one’ dictatorship
From Adam Grant’s NYT article.
The ancient Greeks invented democracy, and in Athens many government officials were selected through sortition — a random lottery from a poo…