Citizens of Nowhere
Citizens of Nowhere
Crito: a dialogue by Plato

Crito: a dialogue by Plato

With Stuart Devenie as Socrates in Plato's great dialogue - out loud.

Some words aren’t written to be read. They’re written to be heard.

I’ll write more, later about why I’m doing this. But it boils down to taking things back to the primary source.

Out loud.

Minimal context or interpretation.



a dialogue by Plato (360BC)

Persons of the Dialogue

SOCRATES performed by Stuart Devenie

CRITO performed by Arthur Meek

SCENE: The Prison of Socrates

The script is here

translated by Benjamin Jowett

New York, C. Scribner's Sons, [1871]

Citizens of Nowhere
Citizens of Nowhere
Cool play scripts spoken out loud by cool actors.