👋 I’m Arthur.

I call myself a playwright.

I love the word wright - it's so strange. It feels like it should be spelled ‘write’, right?

What is a ‘wright’?

“[A] little-used word referring to one who constructs or repairs something. It also appears in shipwright, which refers to a person who builds ships.”

I’m a constructor and repairer of play. Isn’t that a cool thing to do?

My plays include lots of interesting things that take my fancy.

I write mainstage theatre shows like On the Upside Down of the World or Voices of Gallipoli that are performed all over the world.

On The Upside Down Of The World | Auckland Theatre Company
Here’s the magnificent Laurel Devenie in the story of an unlikely female pioneer who blazes a unique trail through the untamed social landscapes of New Zealand’s early history when she’s forced to foster a peculiar Māori boy.

I write, collaborate and create TV shows and films that are screened far and wide, and/or trapped in development purgatory.

Prime Video: On the Conditions and Possibilities of Hillary Clinton Taking  Me as Her Young Lover
This little beauty you can catch on Amazon Prime in some places (and not in others - good luck typing the title into search)

And I write this, chatty, behind-the-scenes insights into my inspirations, perspirations and delightful distractions.

I send it out once a week on a Wednesday.

It’s free to subscribe, read and share. So do!

Nau mai, haere mai.

You’re most welcome to subscribe, catch up, and dip in.

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A playwright's notebook.


I wright plays for stage, page and screen.